SES Online
Access Direct secure messages through Outlook, Smartphone and Web.
SES Online brings the power of Direct secure messaging to all healthcare providers easily and affordably. Receive admit and discharge notifications, submit information to plans to expedite payment, and exchange referrals, pre-op notes, immunization records, patient histories and more.
Gain visibility and increase referrals with access to the Secure Exchange directory, which makes it easy for you to find the addresses of your colleagues and for referring facilities to identify your Direct address.
Because SES Online provides the most comprehensive and easiest way to connect an entire network of users, thousands of hospitals and HIEs have chosen to implement it. The SES Online user community includes physicians, home health providers, long term care facilities, school nurses, skilled nursing facilities, HIE subscribers and many more.
Instant start, immediate cost savings.
Getting started is easy and instant, and results in immediate cost savings by reducing your reliance on fax, VPN and express mail.
Communicate with any physician, hospital, insurance company or other healthcare provider with a Direct email address.
Meet Promoting Interoperability program core transport measures either alongside or inside your EHR with our Direct messaging platform.
Display and print CCDs with or without an EHR. Receive, view and print structured care summaries from hospitals and other providers using our One Click C-CDA Viewer.
Access your messages via Outlook, smartphone or tablet: SES SMTP allows providers to exchange messages from popular mail apps and devices.
Take health information exchange to new levels with Secure Exchange Solutions. Contact us today.
“Secure Exchange is supporting our Meaningful Use attestation. It has been a pleasure working with a company committed to getting our site running and that provides knowledgeable support and wonderful customer service. With Secure Exchange, we can now easily communicate patients’ most important information, including medication lists and allergy lists, ensuring that all providers are on the same page.”